Unified trading for Gravity Launch

The countdown has started! Only a few more days until we publicly release Crypto Gravity, the first game developed by ionomy Studios. You can watch the clock tick down as excitement builds. You can also participate in the excitement of the ION/BTC market.

We want to focus all of the energy of this momentous occasion in one place, and we’ve chosen Bittrex because it’s a high volume, accessible platform. Therefore we are temporarily suspending trading on ionomy.com during the countdown and through the early days following the release.

As much as we would like newcomers to create accounts on ionomy.com, we also want unambiguous metrics from a single publicly observable trading platform. Since the platform on ionomy.com doesn’t yet have any public APIs, consolidating trading is the best way to gauge market activity.

A final reason for suspending the ionomy.com platform is fairness. When there are two platforms, it’s easy for users with accounts on both Bittrex and ionomy to buy low on one platform and sell high on another. While we appreciate the value of arbitrage for settling markets, in this case it would create an uneven playing field since most traders will not yet have accounts on both platforms.

At 8:00 pm GMT Feb 24, 2017 we will clear the order books and pause the exchange. Canceling all existing orders protects our customers from sudden shocks once the ionomy.com platform resumes trading. Feel free to place standing orders after we clear the order books. We will give 24 hours notice before trading resumes.