ION ICO to Launch April 4 is proud to announce the launch of ION (Ticker symbol: ION). An all new cryptocurrency dedicated to mobile gaming, and most important: Fun. ION is for anyone who loves the internet, games, cryptocurrency, earning, and all things fun.

Since its inception, Cryptocurrency has struggled to reach the masses due to its complexity and difficult barriers of entry. ION changes that. The objective of ION is to make it easy for any user to enter the crypto space and allow them to learn in an incredibly intuitive and easy way. Multiple tiers of accessibility from mobile to desktop will make the platform an option for nearly all users of the internet.

At the heart of the system, lies the core asset: ION

Starting April 4, ION will be available for prepurchase on Coin specifications and full ICO information will be released in the coming days.

Please stay tuned to for more information and release dates.