ION wallet update

The ION team really dug into a lot of work during the first half of May, and we have a lot to show for it. This is the first of two updates we’ll post this week.

ION wallet update

Back in February, the ION core development team released ION 2.0. It’s been humming along just fine since then. Meanwhile, the team has been quietly cleaning up the code, squashing bugs, and testing fixes. Today we’re rolling out new wallets for mainnet that include testnet capability. New features improve utility and accessibility:

  • Add testnet=1 to ion.conf or launch parameters to run on testnet
  • Help commands on the command line interface are now more user friendly.
  • Extended debugging messages now provide more detailed logging, making it easier to track down any problems and fix them.

The team will continue developing and testing on the testnet — and that’s where we could use your help. Join the newly launched testnet to be among the first to see what’s next. Try out that Masternode setup or feature you’ve been hesitant to use with real ION. Something broken? If you see something, say something — report your findings on github.

Download on Github

That’s not all. We’re dropping more powerups on Gravity and more later this week!