Important Security Reminder from ionomy

It’s been a fun week full of exciting news: A partnership with Kasey Kahne Racing (KKR), announcement of a new racing game (Offroad Heat), and the launch of the latest game, The Moon or Bust with cash prizes for tournaments and moon landing. ION is now listed on the South Korean exchange UPbit. All this has fueled a dramatic rise in ION price, and ionomy traffic and new account registrations have spiked. Higher market value for ION also attracts more attention, so ionomy reminds new and existing users to secure their valuable accounts.

Enabling Two Factor Authentication (2fa) on your account, while not required, is one of the easiest ways to secure your ionomy account. Apps such as Authy or Google Authenticator are free and easy to set up and use.

Please follow best practices when creating passwords. Avoid using dictionary or simple words. Use varying, complex and special characters, exchange letters for numbers, add random capitals and characters. Use a unique password for each account because with duplicate passwords, if one account gets hacked, all of them are vulnerable. (You can enter your email in breach checker below to check for yourself.)

ionomy constantly monitors and improves site security, but users also have their part to play. Accounts not secured with Two Factor Authentication are at higher risk for brute force and known password attacks. Since ionomy believes strongly in user privacy, the only way we identify legitimate account access is via a user’s email and passwords/secret key. Thus it is up to you to ensure you maintain up to date and best security practices.

Additional resources for securing your account and ensuring best practices.

Password management:

Two Factor Authentication:
Google Auth

Email breach checker: